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The Purpose of Knee Support

The Purpose of Knee Support

Do you often experience knee pain? Are you an avid runner? Have you recently had knee surgery? Do you suffer from osteoarthritis? If your reply is affirmative to any of these questions, then you’re likely in need of knee support and have probably realized how saturated the market is with options. There is a wide range of knee braces to select from – from rigid braces with hard plastic or metal support and a hinge to simple knee sleeves, all of which allow the knee to bend freely.

The Purpose of Knee Support

A knee brace is an effective tool to mitigate niggling pain in your knee. It may help reduce your pain by shifting weight off the damaged part of the knee. It also helps you to walk longer distances in comfort and improves your agility in getting around. The only times you should wear a knee brace is for pain relief, structural support, and proprioception (feedback from the joint sensors to the brain dictating the knee’s movement) – after an injury.

If you have existing knee pain or are looking to prevent knee injury during sports that increase the chances of a knee injury, wearing a knee brace is suitable. Knee braces provide limited, slower movement allowing you to regain your range of motion progressively. For those who have arthritis, it can help reduce inflammation and pain.

When to Use Knee Support

Knee braces offer different protection levels. For instance, a knee sleeve is best for mild to moderate knee support when you are fully active, offering the best pain relief. Knee straps and wraparound braces are efficient for tendonitis and ligament instability pain relief. A hinged knee brace limits movement, though it offers the most support. It is most suitable when recuperating from surgery—for a detailed knee support guideline on the different types and protection levels offered, Podobrace is a good place to start.

You must consult your physician for the best guidelines when you need a knee brace and which is the best for your specific need.