With these tips, you will have the best New Year’s Eve party this year anyway Ringing in the new year, we take those words quite literally in the Roomed editorial. We do like a party, and we secretly organize that party more fun. That’s why we’ve collected all our tips to make organizing a New Year’s Eve a little easier. In fact: with these tips organizing a New Year’s Eve party becomes peanuts.
Organizing a New Year’s Eve party? Start with an invitationDo you have a classy party in mind? Send an old-fashioned invitation. A Facebook event is fun (and maybe you can, just in case), but nothing beats a real invite. Make sure this invitation is in the same style as the party you’re hosting. For example, let the decoration come back. What should not be forgotten on the invitation: the dress code. Have a party where everyone has to come in a Ugly Christmas Sweater! of you go on chic? The budget (or will it be bringing your own booze?) To keep the budget a bit lower, you can opt for a bring your own drink. Let everyone bring their own drinks (one provides beer, another provides wine, for example). Something like that. Or ask for an “entrance” of 5 or €10 pounds to cover the costs of the evening a bit. A small contribution for unlimited drinks will certainly be understood by your guests. Don’t forget the snacks!Ringing in the new year without snacks is of course not an option. Although we are secretly still full from Christmas dinner, we are already hungry for oliebollen and apple fritters. With currants or without, it doesn’t really matter to us. But your guests might: so make sure you have both with and without currants at home. Assume 2 oliebollen (or apple turnovers) per person, and perhaps buy some extra for the big eaters. Done with oliebollen and apple turnovers? Then we can recommend these culinary snacks from our colleagues at Culy. You will steal the show with your New Year’s Eve party anyway. Not sure you want to organize your own party but simply join a nice NYE party in 2021? Make sure to check out the website of Ticketswap |