There are many critical aspects to consider when you are planning to file for visa application. It is essential when you visit any place outside your resident nation you require a visa but, applying for it can be a tiresome task. When you are applying for a visa you need to update yourself from websites, travel agent and reference traveler as well as you need to verify what documents are needed, what is the processing time, fees and, how to submit them. But after all, you can still get a refusal even though you were eligible. What might be cause for our refusal? It might be a reason for concern but, there are many reasons which we ignore when we fill our application. We just go through the document list but never think about the eligibility or criteria to apply for a visa. Even if you provide all the documents, it does not even guarantee to grant your visa. There are some laws through which the authority takes the decision on the application so, it is necessary to avoid some blunders. Below are some of the factors that one should consider before presenting the application to attain a visa: Not following the rules: Rules are meant to be broken but, not always. It is essential to make sure you follow every rule in the guideline when you apply for an Indian visa. As there are many applications that get rejected either due to incomplete or incorrect information provided in the application form by the applicant. Even if the application form will get accepted, consulates might ask you for additional documents to verify the information provided by you. Incomplete Itinerary: Though, it is a very ridiculous mistake that a lot of visa applicants do. So, wherever you are going, a consulate would ask you a complete itinerary of your trip which must be like Home – Destination – Home. For example, if you are visiting India from Australia, show your itinerary like Australia – India- Australia. If you are planning for a multi-country trip, then your itinerary must include the home destination that includes your starting and destination point as well as the countries where you will be vacationing or staying. Thus, to avoid any hassle or chances of rejection, it is better to show the tickets and itinerary for that destination where you will be going from your home country. Last Moment Submission: Your procrastinating approach towards your visa can leave you in a trouble situation and, could become the reason for visa rejection. So, before waiting until the last time to submit your visa application form, it’s better you do it before time. Suppose if you are in a country for some business or traveling purpose and want to extend your duration of stay, you must file you visa extending application before the expiration of your current visa. As waiting till the end, sometimes gives you a no chance to rectify the mistakes or to submit the missing paper which will eventually result in visa rejection. Expired Passport:
Even after carefully filling up the form and providing all the correct information as well as documents, your visa application can get rejected due to an expired passport. If you think that your application would not get rejected because your passport still has a validity of 4-5 months, then it’s not right. A passport needs to have six months of validity and, at least two blank pages and if not, then your application will be denied. Criminal Records: It is the most significant point which is strictly kept into consideration by all the applicants. If you have any criminal record, then there are greater chances of getting your application declined. It gives a clear-cut view that those with a criminal record in past are not eligible to get a visa, whereas, those having a clear record are the ones who can apply for the visa and can get it easily. Unnecessary Details: Whether admit it or not but, giving too much or unnecessary information in your application could result in rejection. It means attesting the additional documents that are not asked. Similarly, during the interview, speak only when required, unnecessary talking is one of the top mistakes to prevent visa rejection. | |